Olympic Games 2020: not be postponed

50% of Japanese citizens believe Olympic Games 2020. That can be held as schedule without postponement. Despivte the ongoing coronavirus pandemic.
The Tokyo Games, Olympic Games 2020 have been postpone for a year due to the global coronavirus outbreak. With the new schedule scheduled to take place from 23 July to 8 August.
However, in the past there has been a wave of resistance from the Japanese people to postpone or cancel the Olympic Games this time. Due to the situation of COVID-19 in the country is still worrisome
Still, the organizers of the Tokyo Games and the International Olympic Committee (IOC) confirm. That the 2020 Olympics. It will be held as originally schedule. But under safety measures and control the spread of COVID-19 strictly
Until recently, “Yomiuri Daily” newspaper in Japan. Reveals the results of a Japanese public survey on the issue of whether the Olympics will be able to compete on schedule According to the survey, 50% believe they can compete as scheduled.
However, another 48 percent believe the Tokyo Games will be cancel, while another 26% believe it will be play without spectators.